Co-hosted by KPMG Canada「Government funding / IFRS Sustainability Standards」(最近の政府補助金及びIFRSサステナビリティ基準の動向)

商工会では、KPMG Canadaのご協力をいただき、10月26日(木)に「Government funding IFRS Sustainability Standards」(最近の政府補助金及びIFRSサステナビリティ基準の動向)セミナーを開催いたします。


場所:KPMG Vaughan office*及びオンラインの同時開催
*100 New Park Place, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON, L4K 0J3
オンラインプラットフォーム:MS Teams




スピーカー:Rajev Pathmanathan, Senior Manager, Government Assistance Practice


2023年6月にISSB(国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)によりサステナビリティに係る基準IFRS S1及びS2が公表されました。今後カナダ及び日本では両基準に準拠したサステナビリティ開示基準が適用されることが想定されています。在カナダ子会社におかれては親会社に対する要求事項だけでなくカナダにおける顧客やサプライヤー、金融機関等の利害関係者からの要求事項に対応する必要が出てくる可能性があります。今回のセミナーではIFRSサステナビリティ基準の概要について説明します。

スピーカー:Dave Power, Partner, Consumer and Industrial Markets

3:30pm-4:00pm スピーカー及び出席者による懇談(軽食及び飲み物をご用意します)


Dear Shokokai Members,

We are pleased to announce that Toronto Shokokai and KPMG Canada will host the Government funding / IFRS Sustainability Standards Seminar on Thursday, Octorber 26, 2023.

Please join us for this free informative session presented by KPMG Canada.

This seminar will include a brief supplementary explanation in Japanese after the explanation in English. We will also hold the event both in-person and online.

Please RSVP by filling the form below by Oct 25:

We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues to this special occasion.

◇「Government funding / IFRS Sustainability Standards」
Date:Octorber 26, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm
Place :KPMG Vaughan office/MS Teams

2:30pm-3:00pm Leveraging government funding for your business

Are you looking to invest in new technologies, equipment and building or facility modifications? Or are you looking to improve the energy efficiency of your operations to lower operational costs and be more competitive? If so, you may be eligible for funding to subsidize these costs. Join the session below to learn more!

Speaker: Rajev Pathmanathan, Senior Manager, Government Assistance Practice

3:00pm-3:30pm IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released its first two disclosure standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. These standards are expected to be adopted in both Canada and Japan in the near future. We therefore expect these standards will have a significant impact on Japanese subsidiaries in Canada, both due to the requirements imposed on public-company parents in Japan as well as any requirements that may arise from customers, suppliers, financial institutions and/or other stakeholders in Canada.

Speaker: Dave Power, Partner, Consumer and Industrial Markets

3:30pm-4:00pm Networking time between speakers and attendees (refreshment will be provided)


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