本年度は、2021年同様、トロント補習授業校の校舎借用現地校に寄付をいたします。また、各入賞者には、ささやかながら商工会大会運営予算にて景品を用意いたします。○第25回 総領事杯 商工会親睦チャリティゴルフ大会
日 時: 2022年6月5日(日)
7:00受付開始 / 7:30 集合 / 7:45 移動/ 8:00 ティーオフ / 13:00 ランチ懇親会/ 15:00 終了予定
場 所: Lionhead Golf & Country Club – Masters
8525 Mississauga Road, Brampton, ON L6Y 0C1
Phone: (905) 455-8400
Website: www.golflionhead.com
会 費:
< ゴルフ+ランチ懇親会 >
・$210.00 : トロント日本商工会会員(会員企業に所属される方)、並びにその家族
・$235.00 : 商工会会員以外
< ランチ懇親会のみ >
・$90.00 : トロント日本商工会会員(会員企業に所属される方)、並びにその家族
・$90.00 : 商工会会員以外
We are pleased to invite you to the 25rd Consul-General Cup Shokokai Charity Golf Tournament, which will be held on Sunday, June 5th 2022 at the Lionhead Golf & Country Club in Brampton.
Please join us for this special charitable fundraising event. Twenty dollars in the fees will be donated to two TDSB schools where the Japanese School of Toronto Shokokai Inc. (Hoshuko) uses their school facilities on Saturday.
This is also a great opportunity for you to connect with Japanese community. Every year, more than 70 players and guests participate to meet many people, including executives in Japanese firms in various sectors.
Please find the application form attached to this email and send it to us for entry by Friday, May 20th.
Date/Time:Sunday, June 5, 2022
Registration 7:00-7:30 am / Move to the hole 7:45 am / Shotgun Start 8:00 am / Lunch Reception 1:00 pm
*A lunch party and an awards ceremony will be held at the clubhouse venue.
Venue:Lionhead Golf & Country Club – Masters
8525 Mississauga Road, Brampton, ON L6Y 0C1
Phone: (905) 455-8400
Website: www.golflionhead.com
Fee:Shokokai Member and families: $210.00 (Lunch Only $90.00)
Non Member: $230.00 (Lunch Only $90.00)
If you wish to join the event or have any questions, please contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you on the green!