【Torys LLPxJapan SocietyxShokokai】Canada-Japan Business Networking Cocktail Event


この度、日本の桜の季節を祝うネットワーキングイベントをTorys LLP、Japan Societyと協賛して開催いたします。
特別ゲストにカナダ元駐日大使(2016-21)であるIan Burney氏をお招きし、経済と貿易の側面に特に注意を払いながら、今後の日加関係の重要性についてお話いただきます。


■Canada-Japan Business Networking Cocktail Event
Canada-Japan relations: Towards a genuine ‘strategic partnership’

79 Wellington Street West 33rd floor Toronto, ON M5J 2N7

イアン・バーニー氏は1987 年にグローバル アフェアーズ カナダ (当時は外務国際貿易省) に入社し、34 年間に及ぶ輝かしいキャリアの中、オタワと海外で数多くの役職を歴任。2016 年から 2021 年にかけて駐日カナダ大使を務める。
日本だけでなく、タイ、ベトナムでも外交任務に就いており、オタワでは、グローバル アフェアーズ カナダ (GAC) と枢密院 (PCO) で、上級職に就く。 GAC では、2009 年から 2011 年まで国際事業開発、投資、イノベーション担当副大臣補佐 (ADM) を務め、2011 年から 2015 年まで貿易政策と交渉担当の ADM を務めた。PCO では、2015 年から 2016 年まで経済地域開発内閣の次官補を務める。
2014 年、カナダ公共サービスの優秀業績賞 (OAA) を受賞。 首相と総督によって授与される OAA は、カナダの公共サービスの上級指導者に対する最高の表彰と見なされている。
2021 年 11 月に公務員を退職後、現在は金融サービス部門の 2 社の取締役や上級顧問など、民間部門でさまざまな役職を務める。
プライベートでは、4 人の子供を持つ。

We are delighted to invite you to a networking cocktail to celebrate the Sakura season in Japan and have a special guest, Mr. Ian Burney, Canada’s former Ambassador to Japan (2016-21) to highlight the importance of the Canada-Japan relationship against the backdrop of an increasingly turbulent global environment, and speak candidly about the need for greater engagement, not only from governments but other key stakeholders including our respective business communities.

Ambassador Burney will lay out key areas of opportunity for the bilateral relationship going forward, with particular attention to the economic and trade dimension.

The perspectives he shares will be drawn both from his extensive career as a Canadian diplomat and lead government trade negotiator, and his current roles in the private sector. A social mixer will be followed by the speech for you to meet with business leaders from Canada-Japan business community in Toronto.

■Canada-Japan Business Networking Cocktail Event
Canada-Japan relations: Towards a genuine ‘strategic partnership’
Date and time:Thu, 16 March 2023, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM EDT
Location:TORYS LLP 79 Wellington Street West 33rd floor Toronto, ON M5J 2N7
General Admission:Free
Registration:Please reserve a spot URL below.

Bio: Mr. Burney joined Global Affairs Canada (then the Department of External Affairs and International Trade) in 1987, and over a distinguished career spanning 34 years held numerous positions in Ottawa and abroad, culminating with his assignment as Canada’s Ambassador to Japan from 2016-21.
Overseas, Mr. Burney had diplomatic assignments in Thailand and Vietnam as well as Japan. In Ottawa, he occupied a range of increasingly senior positions at Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Privy Council Office (PCO). At GAC, Mr. Burney served as Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) for International Business Development, Investment & Innovation from 2009-11 and as ADM for Trade Policy and Negotiations from 2011-2015. At PCO, he served as Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet for Economic and Regional Development from 2015-16.
Mr. Burney was the recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Achievement Award (OAA) of the Public Service of Canada. Presented by the Prime Minister and the Governor General, the OAA is considered the highest recognition for senior leaders in the Public Service of Canada.
Mr. Burney retired from the Public Service in November 2021. He currently serves in a number of positions in the private sector, including as a Board Director and as a Senior Advisor at two firms in the financial services sector.
He is married and has four children.


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