The Bonds of Friendship: Mississauga and Kariya
By Stephanie Meeuwse, President, Mississauga Friendship Association

鈴木泰信氏(元 NTNグループ代表取締役会長)が、1980年に当時のミササガ市長ヘーゼル・マキャリオン氏に提携都市として刈谷市を推薦、刈谷市宛てに検討を希望する手紙を送り、 わずか一年以内に調印されました。以来、両市は文化交流を深め、行政のみでなく市民レベルでも活発に友好関係を築きあげてきました。
ミューズ会長は、市民団体や生徒・学生がお互いを訪問しあい、ホームステイ体験、文化・芸術・スポーツを通じた交流、ミササガ市にカリヤパーク、刈谷市にはミササガパークが作られ、ミササガから愛知万博への参加、刈谷からはカナダデー祭典への参加、また、2011年に行われた30周年記念の行事の数々、近年ではジャパン・フェスティバル・カナダやDOORS OPEN等のイベント参加を挙げ、感謝の意を表し、将来両市の関係がさらに深まることを望んでいます。
July 7th, 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of the twining between Kariya, Japan and Mississauga. This amazing relationship has brought numerous benefits to the citizens of both cities.
It all began when Mr. Yasunobu Suzuki suggested to Mayor McCallion that Mississauga should twin with a Japanese city. He reached out to Kariya with this note in October 1980:
“The city of Mississauga is hoping to be affiliated as a sister city with a Japanese city and Kariya city has been recommended as a candidate city, therefore please consider.”
Less than a year later, Mayor Hazel McCallion and Mayor Atoo Tsunooka signed a formal agreement twinning our two cities and that was the start of a beautiful and enduring friendship.
The declaration states that “it is our wish to promote goodwill between both our cities and to enhance the international awareness of our citizens through the exchange of cultural, educational and sporting activities”. To help fulfill these goals Kariya International Friendship Association (KIFA) was formed in 1983 followed by the Mississauga Friendship Association (MFA) in 1993. Working in partnership, the two groups are responsible for the cultural exchange of citizens between the cities as well as promoting both cultures in general.
Each year volunteer hosts accept 10 delegates from Kariya into their homes. Historically the delegates have visited in July to correspond with the anniversary of the twinning although recently arriving in time to celebrate Canada Day with us. Every second year Mississauga sends 10 delegates usually in May although they have also visited in April and November.
Maria Torresan, a long-time member relayed, “As a host for many years, I relish the fond memories and enjoy the friendships, the exchange of culture and most of all the camaraderie that ensues with the planning and implementation of the visits. The friendships and visits continue, even after the official delegate visits are over, fostering an everlasting exchange of culture.” This sentiment is expressed by all our members who have hosted. I myself have hosted over 15 people and felt the experience has enriched my life and has resulted in many wonderful on-going friendships. I have also visited Japan 5 times and been overwhelmed by the many acts of kindnesses shown to me by past delegates including having to buy a second suitcase to accommodate the many gifts.
In addition to citizen homestays, 2012 saw the realization of the twinning of Kariya Kita High School and Stephen Lewis Secondary School. Ten students visit Mississauga each March where they have the opportunity to interact with students from public, Catholic and private schools as well as sightseeing in Mississauga and Niagara Falls. We hope in the future it will become a true exchange with Mississauga student’s getting the opportunity to travel to Japan.
Since the initial agreement, it is estimated that over 500 people have visited Mississauga strengthening our friendship and making our cultural exchange one of the best in Canada.

Many of the key high lights over the past four decades revolve around key anniversaries:
1992 saw the official opening of Kariya Park in Mississauga during the eleventh anniversary of the twinning. The phase II opening of Kariya Park took place on July 7, 2001 during the 20th anniversary. A special part of that celebration was the unveiling of the ‘Friendship Bell’. This bronze bell’s inscription reads “By welcoming the new century this bell is produced as a symbol of everlasting friendship between the City of Mississauga and the City of Kariya”.

Also in 2001, Mississauga Park in Kariya opened in honour of the 20th anniversary. This three-hectare park incorporates a number of elements to represent both Mississauga and Canada including: a large metal maple leaf sculpture, a log cabin constructed washroom, eight rocks with Canadian native petroglyphs, and a replica of Mississauga’s Civic Centre. “The Water Road”, a sculpture by artist John McEwen, was unveiled and is considered the centre piece of the park. The sculpture features a bear in a canoe and symbolizes Canadian history and culture carried from the past to the future.
The World Exposition (Aichi Expo) in 2005 saw a large group of 36 delegates visit Kariya including Mayor McCallion, councillors as well as the JUSTUS singers who participated in Kariya Day at the Expo.

The 25th anniversary in 2006 saw over 60 delegates visit Mississauga with the highlight being the re-signing of the twinning agreement and a Naruko Dance performance.
The 30th anniversary saw the unveiling of a gorgeous photomosaic made of 6,750 images of past delegates to form a large Mando Festival picture. This is now a highlight of Kariya Park. As well, Kariya delegates performed at the opening of Celebration Square.
Mayor Takenaka celebrated his birthday on July 1st while visiting for the 35th anniversary. He rode in a classic car owned by Ron Starr in the Canada Day parade, helped cut a huge birthday cake and attended the Canada Day event at Celebration Square. The main highlights were a presentation of a replica Samurai armour made by past delegate Hisato Kondo and a stirring indigenous ceremony performed by Kim Wheatly, an Anishinaabe Ancestral Knowledge Keeper.
Throughout the years, the MFA has promoted the twinning through various events including Japanese taiko drumming, marital arts demonstrations, Japanese travel talks and other cultural activities. We have participated in both Doors Open and the Japan Festival Canada.
We look forward to continuing another 40 years of friendship and to the continued success of our twinning. Thank you to our sponsors: The City of Mississauga and J.N.Johnston/Raymond. A special thank you to KIFA for their untiring efforts to support the citizen homestay program.
For more information about the MFA please see and