Canada announces $155B tariff package in response to unjustified U.S. tariffs – Canada.ca
Ontario Generating More Energy to Meet Soaring Demand | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario to Introduce Sixth Working for Workers Act | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Welcomes More Than $100 Million Technology Investment in Toronto | Ontario Newsroom
Canada west coast ports shutdown enters second day | Reuters
Free Flu Shot and New COVID-19 Vaccines Now Available Across Ontario | Ontario Newsroom
Building Ontario for You | Ontario Newsroom
Travelling for the Civic Holiday? The CBSA gives tips for a smooth trip – Canada.ca
The Government of Canada is making it easier to trade within Canada – Canada.ca
Ontario Making Electric Vehicle Chargers More Accessible | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Begins Automatic Licence Plate Renewals | Ontario Newsroom
Asahi Kasei to Build a Battery Component Plant in Port Colborne, Ontario | Ontario Newsroom
The Daily — Building permits, March 2024 (statcan.gc.ca)
Government of Canada announces the new Canadian Internal Trade Data Hub – Canada.ca
The CBSA and U.S. CBP provide an update on the NEXUS program – Canada.ca
Building a Better Ontario | Ontario Newsroom
Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy released the 2024 Budget: Building a Better Ontario. Like the rest of the world, Ontario continues to face economic uncertainty due to high interest rates and global instability.
Federal minimum wage rising to $17.30 per hour on April 1 – Canada.ca
To keep up with the cost of living, the federal minimum wage will increase from $16.65 to $17.30 per hour on April 1, 2024. This adjustment reflects the 3.9% increase in Canada’s annual average Consumer Price Index for 2023 and is aligned with inflation.
Approximately 30,000 employees in the federally regulated private sector will benefit from this raise. Employers are required to adjust their payroll information accordingly to ensure that all employees, including interns, receive the correct hourly wage starting April 1, 2024. Should the provincial or territorial minimum wage rate exceed the federal rate, employers must pay the higher of the two.
February 2, 2024 – Gatineau, Quebec
Ontario and Indiana Sign Agreement to Boost Trade and Investment | Ontario Newsroom
TORONTO — Today Ontario and Indiana finalized a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote increased trade, attract investment and continue to collaborate in key sectors such as infrastructure, energy, life sciences, automotive and advanced manufacturing.
Government of Canada supports growth of rural automotive parts manufacturer – Canada.ca
Amino North America Corp. to manufacture made-in-Canada automotive parts, enter into EV market, and create and maintain over 45 jobs
January 11, 2024 – St. Thomas, Ontario
Thanks to its skilled workers and their vast expertise, southern Ontario has emerged as a prominent hub supporting automotive manufacturing and innovation, specifically in the electric vehicle (EV) sector. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting our manufacturers as they adopt new processes and made-in-Canada products to strengthen local supply chains and create good jobs for Canadians.
Regulations Amending the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations will be published on December 20, 2023, in the Canada Gazette, Part II.
Canadians have been clear: they want clean air, good jobs, and a strong economy. Since 2015, the Government of Canada has led the fight against climate change. The regulations help to reduce emissions from our transportation and are a key component of the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, which puts Canada on a path to achieve at least a 40 percent reduction in emissions below 2005 levels by 2030
The Electric Vehicle Availability Standard
Announced in draft form on December 21, 2022, the Standard applies to light-duty vehicles (passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks). These vehicles account for about half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, while the transportation sector overall accounts for about 25 percent of Canada’s overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Under the new Electric Vehicle Availability Standard, auto manufacturers and importers must meet annual zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) regulated sales targets. The targets begin for the 2026 model year, with a requirement that at least 20 percent of new light-duty vehicles offered for sale in that year be ZEVs. The requirements increase annually to 60 percent by 2030 and 100 percent for 2035.
December 13, 2023
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement
Recent indicators suggest that growth of economic activity has slowed from its strong pace in the third quarter. Job gains have moderated since earlier in the year but remain strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation has eased over the past year but remains elevated.
The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient. Tighter financial and credit conditions for households and businesses are likely to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. The extent of these effects remains uncertain. The Committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks.
The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. In support of these goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 percent. The Committee will continue to assess additional information and its implications for monetary policy. In determining the extent of any additional policy firming that may be appropriate to return inflation to 2 percent over time, the Committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments. In addition, the Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans. The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.
In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee’s goals. The Committee’s assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.
November 30, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada
“Canada is disappointed that the USITC has determined that the United States can continue to impose unfair and unwarranted duties on Canadian softwood lumber products.
“U.S. duties on Canadian softwood lumber are unfounded and unjustifiably harm Canadian businesses and communities. With significant challenges in housing supply and affordability, these duties also harm U.S. consumers and businesses that need Canadian lumber.
“We will always fight for the best interest of Canadians and continue to use all available avenues to vigorously defend the workers, businesses, and communities who rely on softwood lumber for their livelihoods. This includes pursuing litigation under the North American Free Trade Agreement and Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, and at the World Trade Organization.”
The Working for Workers Act, 2023 Now in Force | Knowledge | Fasken
Earlier this year, we wrote about the potential changes to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) and Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”)[1] introduced in Bill 79, Working for Workers Act, 2023. The legislation underwent minimal revisions from its introduction at first reading and received Royal Assent on October 26, 2023.
Government of Canada releases 2023 Fall Economic Statement – Canada.ca
Ontario Responds to 2023 Federal Fall Economic Statement | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Strengthening Auto Parts Manufacturing Sector in Durham Region | Ontario Newsroom
PICKERING — The Ontario government is helping 26 small and medium-sized automotive parts suppliers invest almost $9.6 million in new tools and technology to enhance their competitiveness and create 111 new, good-paying jobs. As part of these investments, the province is providing a total of $3.5 million through the Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP), an initiative to support local manufacturers and expand Ontario’s end-to-end automotive supply chain.
CAMBRIDGE — The Ontario government is welcoming a significant investment by Dana Canada Corporation, a leading manufacturer in drivetrain and electric propulsion motor systems. The investment will be used to expand the company’s manufacturing capacity of thermal management systems, a key component for electric vehicle (EV) batteries and electronics, across its two facilities in Oakville and Cambridge.
Ontario Strengthening Wage Protections for Restaurant Workers | Ontario Newsroom
TORONTO —The Ontario government is introducing legislation that, if passed, would put in place ground-breaking protections for more than 400,000 people in the restaurant and hospitality industry. The Working for Workers Four Act, 2023, includes updates to the province’s Employment Standards Act, which would ban unpaid trial shifts and make clear that employers can never deduct an employee’s wages in the event of a dine and dash, gas and dash, or any other stolen property.
Ontario to Require Employers to Disclose Salary Ranges and AI Use in Hiring | Ontario Newsroom
Province also examining banning the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements in sexual harassment cases
Ontario To Ban Requirements for Canadian Work Experience in Job Postings | Ontario Newsroom
Proposed changes would help qualified newcomers fill labour shortages in health care and other in-demand industries
Canada to invest $23 million in Ontario-based Edesa Biotech, Inc.
Today, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, announced a contribution of $23 million to support Edesa Biotech’s $61 million project through the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF). Edesa is a biopharmaceutical company based in Markham, Ontario, that is seeking to advance Phase III clinical trials for its monoclonal antibody therapy (EB05), for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 patients. ARDS is a severe form of respiratory failure characterized by widespread inflammatory injury to the lungs and is the leading cause of death among COVID-19 patients. For moderate to severe cases of ARDS, there are currently few meaningful treatments, other than supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation, and patients suffer high mortality rates.
本日、フランソワ=フィリップ・シャンパン名誉大臣、イノベーション、科学、産業担当の名誉大臣を代表して、エクスポート・プロモーション、国際貿易および経済開発のメアリー・ング名誉大臣が、戦略的イノベーション基金(SIF)を通じてEdesa Biotechの6100万ドルプロジェクトを支援するために2300万ドルの拠出を発表しました。Edesaは、オンタリオ州マーカムに拠点を置くバイオ製薬企業で、COVID-19患者の急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)の治療のためのモノクローナル抗体療法(EB05)の第III相臨床試験を進めることを目指しています。ARDSは肺に広範な炎症性損傷が特徴であり、COVID-19患者の死因の主要な要因となっています。ARDSの中等から重度の症例では、補助酸素と人工換気以外に有意義な治療法はほとんどなく、患者は高い死亡率に苦しんでいます。
キッチナー — オンタリオ州政府は、ドイツの自動車部品メーカーであるPWO Groupの最初の国際子会社であるPWO Canadaが行う960万ドルの投資を歓迎しています。 この投資は、同社のキッチナー拠点に新しい組立ラインを追加し、27の新しい高収入の雇用を創出するために利用されます。
昨日、環境および気候変動大臣の補佐官であり、エネルギーおよび天然資源大臣の補佐官でもあるジュリー・ダブルシン氏が、エネルギーおよび天然資源大臣のジョナサン・ウィルキンソン氏を代表して、Accelerate Allianceに対する連邦政府からの50万ドルの投資を発表しました。 この資金は、Accelerate Allianceがカナダの持続可能な国内バッテリーイノベーションエコシステムを構築し、モバイルおよび固定用途の両方に向けて持続可能なバッテリーイノベーションエコシステムを開発、商品化、拡大する能力を示すバッテリーイノベーションのロードマップを策定するのを支援します。
Canada to welcome Japanese delegation to deepen commercial ties – Canada.ca
日本とカナダ、蓄電池の分野で連携し供給網強化へ…資源開発や現地生産を促進 : 読売新聞 (yomiuri.co.jp)
CBSA kicks off final phase before CARM becomes the new system of record for the collection of duties and taxes for commercial goods imported into Canada
From: Canada Border Services Agency
Government of Canada invests to strengthen domestic critical minerals value chain – Canada.ca
Ontario Capping Rent Increases Below the Rate of Inflation | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Welcomes $102 Million Investment in Growing Electric Vehicle Sector | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Expands Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Promotes Growing Life Sciences Sector During Trade Mission to Boston | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Now Requires Naloxone Kits in At-Risk Workplaces | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Building the Auto Manufacturing Workforce of the Future | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Providing Free Training for Auto Workers | Ontario Newsroom
Government announces lower credit card transaction fees for small businesses – Canada.ca
Electric Vehicle-Related Investments – Canada.ca
Ontario Announces Intent to Dissolve Peel Region | Ontario Newsroom
ピール行政地区を解体し、ミシサガ、ブランプトン、カレドンが独立した地方自治体とする法案“Hazel McCallion Act”が上程されることが発表されました。
Ontario Launching Debit Payment on PRESTO Devices | Ontario Newsroom
新型コロナウイルス感染症について|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)
1. 感染症部会での最終確認がされ、予定どおり5月7日をもって、感染症法における新型インフルエンザ等感染症には該当しないものとし、5月8日以降は、5類感染症とすることが決まりました。
2. 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染症法上の位置づけが5類感染症に変更される令和5年5月8日以降に入国される方については、有効なワクチン接種証明書又は出国前検査証明書の提示が不要となります。但し、海外で新たな感染症が発生した場合には、必要により日本入国時の検疫措置が強化されることがあります。
Government of Canada invests in Zero Emission Public Transit Infrastructure in Toronto – Canada.ca
Ontario Advancing Contract for Yonge North Subway Extension | Ontario Newsroom
Volkswagen’s New Electric Vehicle Battery Plant Will Create Thousands of New Jobs | Ontario Newsroom
Labour disruption impacts at Employment and Social Development Canada and Service Canada – Canada.ca
連邦政府職員組合がストライキに入っており、Tax Return、査証発行、EI申請などに処理の遅れがでることが予想されます。
Ontario Launches New Ultra-Low Overnight Electricity Price Plan | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Advancing Contracts for Ontario Line Subway | Ontario Newsroom
COVID-19 Booster Recommended for High-Risk Individuals This Spring | Ontario Newsroom
Canada gains full access to Japanese beef market – Canada.ca
Ontario Responds to the Federal Government’s Budget 2023 | Ontario Newsroom
Building a Strong Ontario | Ontario Newsroom
Major Investment Strengthens Ontario’s End-to-End Electric Vehicle Supply Chain | Ontario Newsroom
Magna International’s expansion adding hundreds of new jobs across the province
Government of Canada invests in an end-to-end electric vehicle supply chain – Canada.ca
Government of Canada celebrates Canadian unveiling of Project Arrow, the first Canadian-made fully electric vehicle and announces support for the Canadian International AutoShow, and Myant Inc, a Project Arrow supplier
第6回日本・カナダ商工会議所協議会 合同会合が9月に開催され、概要報告共同声明が公開されました。
Ontario Launches Skilled Trades Career Fairs for Students | Ontario Newsroom
Prepare for apprenticeship | Ontario.ca
バンクーバー・大阪 6月2日より、月水金日(夏季スケジュール)
トロントー羽田 5月1日より毎日(通年)
Air Canada to Launch New Services to Europe; Restores Key International Routes, Frequencies Beginning Summer 2023 – Oct 13, 2022
All Ontarians Aged 12+ Eligible for Bivalent Booster | Ontario Newsroom
000993077.pdf (mhlw.go.jp)
Air Canada Winter Schedule Effective September 29 to January 1, 2023
0519_PR-171_Timetable-Updates_July-September_EN.indd (aircanada.com)
Ontarians Aged 18+ Eligible for Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Dose | Ontario Newsroom
Canada announces federal holiday to mark Queen’s funeral on Sept. 19
連邦政府は、エリザベス女王葬儀の日となる9月19日を連邦休日とすることを発表しました。オンタリオ州は、休日とはせず、喪に服す日A Day of Mourningとしました。9月19日午後1時に黙祷の時間が持たれます。
(出国前検査陰性証明保持の見直し) 令和4年8月 25 日
1.出国前検査証明提出の見直し 「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(9)」(令和3年3月5日)において、全ての入国者に対し て出国前 72 時間以内の検査証明の提出を求めることを、当分の間、継続するものとしている。 このうち、「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(28)」(令和4年5月 20 日)(以下「措置(28)」 という。)の1.で定める、オミクロン株(B.1.1.529 系統の変異株)が支配的となっている国・ 地域(「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(27)」(令和4年2月 24 日)における「オミクロン株 以外の変異株が支配的となっていることが確認されている国・地域」以外の国・地域)からの全 ての帰国者・入国者について、新型コロナウイルス感染症に対するワクチン接種証明書(外務省 及び厚生労働省において有効と確認し、措置(28)の別添2で定められたワクチン3回目接種 済みであることの証明書。以下、「ワクチン接種証明書」という。)を保持している場合は、出国 前 72 時間以内の検査証明の提出を求めないこととする。 (注1)上記に基づく措置は、令和4年9月7日午前0時(日本時間)から行うものとする。 (以上
(出国前検査陰性証明保持の見直し) 令和4年8月 25 日
1.出国前検査証明提出の見直し 「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(9)」(令和3年3月5日)において、全ての入国者に対し て出国前 72 時間以内の検査証明の提出を求めることを、当分の間、継続するものとしている。 このうち、「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(28)」(令和4年5月 20 日)(以下「措置(28)」 という。)の1.で定める、オミクロン株(B.1.1.529 系統の変異株)が支配的となっている国・ 地域(「水際対策強化に係る新たな措置(27)」(令和4年2月 24 日)における「オミクロン株 以外の変異株が支配的となっていることが確認されている国・地域」以外の国・地域)からの全 ての帰国者・入国者について、新型コロナウイルス感染症に対するワクチン接種証明書(外務省 及び厚生労働省において有効と確認し、措置(28)の別添2で定められたワクチン3回目接種 済みであることの証明書。以下、「ワクチン接種証明書」という。)を保持している場合は、出国 前 72 時間以内の検査証明の提出を求めないこととする。 (注1)上記に基づく措置は、令和4年9月7日午前0時(日本時間)から行うものとする。 (以上
Children Aged Five and Over Eligible for First Booster Shot | Ontario Newsroom
If you are in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, continue to self- monitor for symptoms. There is no longer a need to isolate but you should wear a mask for 10 days when in public.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough, or runny nose, stay home from school, work and social events until your fever is gone and symptoms are improving, get a rapid antigen test or, if eligible, a PCR test. Wear a mask for 10 days after and avoid non-essential visits to high-risk individuals and settings.
入国前の現地コロナ検査免除、政府検討 水際対策見直し: 日本経済新聞 (nikkei.com)
Government of Canada is re-establishing mandatory random testing offsite of airports for air travellers – Canada.ca
Government of Canada maintains current border measures for travellers entering Canada – Canada.ca
Booking options for travel to, from or via Toronto Pearson Airport (aircanada.com)
Suspension of the mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers and federally regulated transportation workers – Canada.c
Submit your customs and immigration information before flying into Canada (cbsa-asfc.gc.ca)
カナダに入国する際登録するArriveCANのオプションに税関入国情報を事前に申請できる機能があります。是非、ご活用ください。Entering Canada@TorontoPearson Terminal 1 just got easier!
#CBSA is testing NEW eGates to deliver a smoother and faster border experience! Travellers 16+ can use eGates to confirm their identity & submit their customs/immigration declaration
Suspension of the mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers and federally regulated transportation workers – Canada.ca
CDC to lift COVID-19 testing requirement for international arrivals | Washington Examiner
CDC to lift COVID-19 testing requirement for international arrivals
Register a vehicle (permit and licence plate) | ontario.ca
The GoC is extending current border measures for travelers entering Canada until at least June 30, 2022.
水際対策強化に係る新たな措置について(外国人観光客の入国制限の見直し)|外務省 (mofa.go.jp)
Travel to Canada: Requirements for COVID-19 vaccinated travellers
Laura Osman, The Canadian Press
Published Friday, April 22, 2022 11:38AM EDT
Last Updated Friday, April 22, 2022 11:38AM EDT
OTTAWA — Unvaccinated children aged five to 11 travelling with a fully vaccinated adult will no longer need a COVID-19 test to enter Canada as of Monday.
Pre-entry tests will still be needed for partially vaccinated or unvaccinated travellers over the age of 12 who are eligible to travel to Canada.
Children under five years of age don’t currently require a COVID-19 test.
Fully vaccinated travellers, and any kids under 12 accompanying them, will no longer need to provide their quarantine plans when they enter the country.
And when vaccinated people arrive in Canada, they won’t need to wear a mask for 14 days, keep a list of contacts or report COVID-19 symptoms.
The government will also do away with the need for travellers to quarantine if someone in their group develops COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive.
Update-on-COVID-19-Projections_2022.04.14_English.pdf (covid19-sciencetable.ca)

Ontario Expanding Access to COVID-19 Antivirals | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Expanding Fourth-Dose Eligibility | Ontario Newsroom
Ontario Dashboard – Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table (covid19-sciencetable.ca)

Pregnancy, fertility and COVID-19
The COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t impact fertility.
There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause fertility problems in women or men. There’s real-world evidence that mRNA vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness and death.
If you’re planning a pregnancy, it’s recommended that you get vaccinated to help prevent serious illness, hospitalization and pregnancy complications.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy, visit:
Fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada
On April 1, 2022, fully vaccinated Canadians will no longer need to provide a negative pre-entry test when returning to Canada. They only need the following:
· an ArriveCAN receipt.
· proof of vaccination uploaded.
· necessary travel documents.
· quarantine plan.
Travellers who have recently tested positive for COVID-19 are highly encouraged to show proof of their positive COVID-19 molecular test result so that they are not subject to mandatory random testing upon arrival to Canada.
It remains important to self-monitor for symptoms leading up to international travel. As well, you should assess the risk factors related to where you’re going.
For more information on arriving at the border, visit:
Update on COVID-19 Projections (covid19-sciencetable.ca)

Statement from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health | Ontario Newsroom
COVID-19 public health measures and advice | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario
The following changes to public health and workplace safety measures are in effect as of March 1, 2022. For the full list of measures in effect, see O. Reg. 364/20.
― capacity limits have been lifted in all indoor public settings
― proof of vaccination requirements have been lifted
― businesses and organizations may choose to require proof of vaccination upon entry
― other protective measures, such as mask/face covering requirements and passive screening of patrons remain in place
― businesses and organizations that are open must continue to have safety plans in place
Ontario Requiring Employers to Disclose Electronic Monitoring | Ontario Newsroom
・ 指定国:検疫施設待機に代えて、自宅等待機とする。
・ 非指定国:自宅等待機を免除する。
Government of Canada lightens border measures as part of transition of the pandemic response – Canada.ca
(1)COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (搭乗当日に行われた結果、ただし、国の認証を受けた検査機関で行われたものに限定され、自宅での検査結果は不可)
(2)Molecular Test (搭乗72時間内に行われた結果)
―Travel Health Noticeを、レベル3(警告)からレベル2(注意)に引き下げ。
Ontario Moving to Next Phase of Reopening on February 17 | Ontario Newsroom
Effective February 17, 2022
Ontario will further ease public health measures, including, but not limited to:
Increasing social gathering limits to 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors
Increasing organized public event limits to 50 people indoors, with no limit outdoors
Removing capacity limits in the following indoor public settings where proof of vaccination is required, including but not limited to:
Restaurants, bars and other food or drink establishments without dance facilities
Non-spectator areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms
Meeting and event spaces, including conference centres or convention centres
Allowing 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity at sports arenas
Allowing 50 percent of the usual seating capacity for concert venues and theatres
In addition, as of 8:00 a.m. on Friday, February 18, 2022, Ontario is expanding booster dose eligibility to youth aged 12 to 17. Appointments can be booked through the provincial booking system and the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre, as well as at select pharmacies administering the Pfizer vaccine. Appointments will be booked for approximately six months (168 days) after a second dose. To book an appointment online, individuals must be 12 years old at the time of appointment.
Effective March 1, 2022
Ontario intends to take additional steps to ease public health measures if public health and health system indicators continue to improve. This includes lifting capacity limits in all remaining indoor public settings.
Ontario will also lift proof of vaccination requirements for all settings at this time. Businesses and other settings may choose to continue to require proof of vaccination. Masking requirements will remain in place at this time, with a specific timeline to lift this measure to be communicated at a later date.