
10月18日、慈善事業を行うカナダの「タイガー・ジェット・シン財団」会長、タイガー・ジェット・シン (Tiger Jeet Singh) 氏への外務大臣表彰伝達式がトロント総領事公邸にて行われ、佐々山拓也総領事から表彰状が授与されました。
そんなお構いなしの狂暴レスラーの顔とは裏腹に、シン氏はレスリングで築いた地位と知名度を使って社会に貢献しようと2010年に「タイガー・ジェット・シン財団」を創設しました。息子のタイガー・ジェット・ シン ・ジュニアとともにカナダ国内での慈善事業だけではなく、日本とカナダにおける麻薬撲滅、青少年交流および東北の被災地支援などを通じ、日本とカナダの相互理解の促進、友好親善に尽力され、今回の受賞となりました。



Home – Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation
Good Evening Friends,
It is my honour to be here with you today. I would like to say thank you to Sasayama San, his office staff and the Government of Japan for giving me this honour.
I have wrestled all over the world, but Japan was my second home. I am so grateful for all the love and support that my Japanese fans
gave me.
I am so thankful to my wife for always giving me strength and confidence. I thank my son Tiger Jr. and his team for all their great work in helping children through our foundation.
Now I would like to take a moment to pay my respects to my friend Antonio Inoki. The news about his passing came as a BIG shock to me. We spent so many years together. He was my greatest rival throughout my wrestling career.
When I first learned of his passing, all the memories we shared flashed before my eyes. My fondest memory that really made an impact for both our careers was the famous Shinjuku shopping plaza. Still to this day people remember. Although he broke my arm in the ring, many years later we grew very close as dear friends, and he also visited my home in Canada.
He was a true warrior and I pray for his soul to find peace. The legacy of Inoki San will live on forever!
Thank you.
タイガー・ジェット・シン・ジュニア 氏のスピーチ
Good evening Distinguished Guests, Dignitaries, family and friends.
I would like to thank Honorable Consul-General Sasayama San and the Government of Japan for honouring not only my father, but a man who is also my Guru Ji and someone who I have idolized my entire life. I am so humbled by the respect that the great country of Japan has always shown my father for almost 50 years!
I would like to thank all of our family and friends for taking time out from their busy schedule to be here. Thank you Honourable Consul-General of India, Milton MPP Parm Gill, Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and Chief of Peel Regional Police Nishan Durriappah. Thank you Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce and Industry and the Indo-Canada Chamber of commerce. You have humbled my father and our family with your presence.
It seems like I spent my entire childhood watching New Japan Pro Wrestling matches between my father and Mr. Inoki. He was one of my childhood idols along with my father and Mohammad Ali. He is one of the most important figures in the history of the wrestling business, and a man who embodied the term “fighting spirit”. God bless his soul.
Thank you.