
(English Follows)


オンタリオ州に住所を有する法人または個人で当会の目的や活動に賛同される方の入会を歓迎しています。 入会には商工会事務局の審査と理事会による承認が必要です。入会ご希望の方は事務局までご連絡下さい。


(1) 普通会員

i) 日本法人の当地の支店、もしくは出張所、または駐在員事務所 ii) 日本法人を主体として設立された法人の当地の本支店、現地法人、もしくは出張所、または駐在員事務所

(2) 準会員


(3) 個人会員



(1) 当会の目的や活動をよく理解して頂く。

(2) 入会申請書(普通会員及び準会員用、個人会員用の別あり)の記入

(3) 事務局の審査

(4) 理事会に於ける入会審議

(5) ご入会の通知

(6) 会費の支払い(請求書到着次第)



(1) 普通会員 各社均等負担額

(a) 720ドル   1登録社員負担額 (b) 175ドル×員数   Total (a)と(b)の合計額  

(2) 準会員 各社均等負担額

(a) 360ドル   1登録社員負担額 (b) 90ドル×員数   Total (a)と(b)の合計額

(3) 個人会員 205ドル

Membership Invitation

We welcome individuals or entities residing in Ontario who endorse the purpose and activities of our association to become members. Membership requires review by the Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce and Industry office and approval by the board of directors. Please contact the office if you wish to join.

Membership Types:

  1. Regular Members
    i) Branch offices, liaison offices, or representative offices of Japanese companies established locally
    ii) Main branch offices, local subsidiaries, liaison offices, or representative offices of companies primarily established in Japan
  2. Associate Members
    Local branch offices or offices of companies that do not qualify as regular members but endorse the objectives of the association
  3. Individual Members
    Individuals who support the objectives of the association

Membership Procedure:

  1. Understand the purpose and activities of the association.
  2. Fill out the membership application form (separate forms available for regular and associate members, as well as individual members).
  3. Review by the office.
  4. Membership deliberation by the board of directors.
  5. Notification of membership approval.
  6. Payment of membership fees (upon receipt of invoice).

Membership Fees:

Membership fees are billed semi-annually, twice a year. (The following fees are for half-year periods)

Regular Members:
Equal contribution per company (a) $720 – Contribution per registered employee (b) $175 × Number of employees – Total of (a) and (b)

Associate Members: Equal contribution per company (a) $360 – Contribution per registered employee (b) $90 × Number of employees – Total of (a) and (b)

Individual Members: $205

入会申請書Application Form  

普通会員・準会員 Corporate Members  日本語Japanese / 英語English
個人会員 Individual Members 日本語Japanese / 英語English 

