Aikido Shugyo Dojo 道場長 Gabriel Di Marco


Teaching courtesy and discipline through the Japanese martial art of Aikido
By Gabriel Di Marco
Aikido was extremely popular in the North America in the 1990’s after the action movies “Above the Law” and “Under Siege,” starring Steven Seagal, came out. Steven Seagal trained in Japan and had a black belt in Aikido. There was a friend of mine who kept asking me to join him in Aikido practice and I finally relented and joined him. I had no intention of staying for very long but as I started my training, I really enjoyed it.
That is how I started Aikido training in Toronto in 1992. When my Sensei, Fran Turner, retired from training and has left me in charge of Aikido Shugyo Dojo located in Toronto’s east end.
One of the things Canadian students learn from training in Aikido or other Japanese martial arts is discipline. Now discipline covers a whole range of items but one of these is self discipline.
This is not something that is usually on your mind and so you become lacking in it. Being aware of your self discipline is your first steps in self discipline becoming the normal. Awareness, especially of self, goes a long way into self development – mentally, physically, spiritually.
When you come to the dojo for training, it’s always best to arrive early so that you have time to get changed and enter the mat and settle your mind before class begins–at least five minutes before Sensei is on the mat. Then you will get the most out of training. This also shows respect for the instructor.
Some students ask, “why do I have to be there five minutes before sensei arrives?” or “why is it so important to get ready early? Don’t I get a credit for just making it to class when I was busy and stressed!”
I would patiently explain “punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy person at work, too!”
As Chief Instructor (dojo-cho) of a dojo, I have the obligation of teaching all the dojo students. Some of those students will probably be children.
Children require a different approach than when teaching adults, since they do not always understand proper behavior based on the etiquette in the Japanese martial art, either inside or outside of the dojo.
This can be challenging for some instructors. It requires a lot more patience and different methods of teaching than when dealing with adults – although some adults continue to behave like children in adulthood and the same way of getting your point across still works!!
When I first started teaching the children’s class, I was reluctant and unsure what to expect. It was daunting for sure, but I gave it a try anyway. As with all new endeavours, you will make mistakes (hopefully small ones) but if you learn from those mistakes and keep going, you will find that you become a better instructor for the children’s classes and the adult classes.
There is a huge turn-over rate for children as some lose interest after a while or some are there because their parents wanted them to try it out. What ever the reason, most of the children do not pursue Aikido training into adulthood.
The difficult time comes in their late teens/early twenties as it is a busy time in their lives with much going on with school and other activities. Makes you wonder if it is worth the time and effort to teach Aikido to children.
Well, for those few, those precious few who have the drive and want to make the effort to continue into adulthood, then yes, it is worth the effort as they have the potential to explore the art deeper than those of us who started later in life. They have the potential to become true masters of the art.
For those of you who do not have children or do not need to deal with children in your life, I find that you are missing something in your training. Even helping with the children’s classes as an assistant or having interaction outside the dojo (Big Brother/Sister) will do wonders for your spirit.
Even now, I sometimes have that hesitant feeling about teaching the children’s class, but I do it anyway and at the end of class I feel…. not relieved but more fulfilled by making the effort.